Monday, May 16, 2016

Blog post 9

I liked the atmosphere of the class, how everyone was able to learn and have fun. That in which goes along with what helped me get through the course. While the thing that I dislike the most was at times the class can be too playful. While the things that I learned that were most valuable were how to write an arugumentive, rhetorical, and analysis essay.  While I feel that was exceptionally prepared for the Ap exam, I believe that we should have been better prepared for the rhetorical essay. If I was  to take the course over I would be less playful. The reason being is because of my playfulness I was not able to work to my full potential. This would explain why my grades are not as high as they could be.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Act reflection post

Overall the Act was not as difficult as I imagined. When I thought of the Act, I thought of problems far more complicated than what me and my fellow students received. With this mine I tryef to study , in which I was able to succeed in that a little. Overall though, my studying skills and actions were not up to par. So I hope to improve on that in the future when taking test like or possibly more complicated. Although I feel that we as a school should improve the preparations for students taking the test. Since its almost as ifwe started to prepare for it at the last minute possible.
Though I feel that the testing environment was sturdy and noteworthy. I feel that there were some times where it was all superb and quiet. I also feel that I did well on the Act. Believing that I could have possibly made anywhere from a 25 to higher. I also believe that I did not fair well with the actual time on the test. Mostly believing this to be true for the reading, but the reason being is because of my reading paste, not my comprehension skills. The reason being because of reading at a fast and steady paste is not my forte.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The So-Called American Dream

The American dream  is what all Americans want. it is also what foreigners come to America for .in Hope of acquiring enough money to take care of themselves. in which it is important because it drives the economy .since everyone works to acquire money .my dream is to have enough money to get what I want. Even though it is simple, it is a goal and dream of mine.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Blog post # 6

A random act of kindness I could do is give money to the less fortunate. This would in return would make me feel like a better person. While it would also help that person with a little more support. This allowing them to purchase what ever they need. Although it may not be everything they want or desire, it would still help them. So they could have a better life than they already do. Therefore helping out the society by helping one person to escape their financial depression.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Letter to the Governor

Dear Governor John Bel Edwards,

        My apologizes for disturbing you governor, for I understand your duties obligations. My name my good governor is Brock Leon Brooks the third. I am a teacher in the small parish of Jefferson, Louisiana. I have been teaching at the school of T. Joseph  for almost a decade now. I have came to actually enjoy teaching the students here. I am originally from the city of phoenix in Arizona. Though I have been in Louisiana for about fifteen years now. Since I have been here I have grown into a habit of spending my spare time at the Rainbow Club.

The Rainbow Club is actually where I met Jefferson. My first impressions of Jefferson were unpleasant. He was extremely inebriate which led me to believe he  was a despicable person. Some how or another through I ended up helping him home. Where I met  Miss. Emma who was undoubtedly worried about him. So I left him in her care. The next day I met him again, except this time Jefferson was sober. He apologized for his negligent behavior and we talked for a while. After a weeks past of talking to him, I befriended him. Though I took my leave for a few days to visit my kin in the northwest.

Now  I have comeback and I have heard this in my absence. I ask of you to please consider not executing Jefferson. He is a extremely kind and respectful person. I do not even believe he is guilty of the crime that he has been convicted of. For the love of the God he was not even given a fair trial. He was sent up to face a dreadfully chosen jury. Those who had already made their verdict before he faced them. So I ask of you if you can find it in your heart to see it through as a man of honor and a person of dignity. Please pardon Jefferson from meeting an unfair demise.


Brock Leon Brooks III

Friday, February 26, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying Quotations on Chapter's16 & 17


" No". She shook her head, pressing her lips tight as she looked across the table at me." He didn't like the food.  He didn't ask about me." " He did last Friday. " "No", she said  ,she said and shook her head again." Cause I had to Hit him today."

2.  Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?
This quote characterizes Miss Emma the most. That would be that she does not like to be lied too. She does not even like for any one to stretch the truth out to her. That would be because she is a honest person so she expects the same from others. That in which extremely disappoints her, especially since Grant shrugged it off with a quick lie as if it was a trifling matter.

3.  Does this quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?

This quotation indicates a minor conflict between Miss Emma and Grant. The reason being is because Grant chose to lie to her about his visit with Jefferson. That in which he did because of not wanting to bare her bad news. These reasons would be because of him not really wanting to explain the visit and because of thinking about how Miss Emma would take it. That in which it causes a minor conflict where she has to confront Grant. Where she lets him know that she knows he was not completely honest about how the visit went.


"That lady you spoke of, boy, cares a lot about you," I said  to him ."She's waiting at that school right now for me to bring her news about you .That's a lady you spoke of ,boy Because it's she who keeps me coming here .Not your nannan ,not my aunt .Vivian If I didn't have Vivian, I wouldn't be in this damn hole .Because I know damn well I'm not doing you any good ,for you or for any of the others. Do you hear what I'm saying ?Do you?"

2.  Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

This quote characterizes Grant as someone who usually is not outspoken at all. Yet it appears that when people speak of things or people he cares about, that changes. That is very clear in this quote. Since for a slight second we Grants thoughts become transparent. To where as you can actually get insight on what he really thinks and what is the cause of him coming to visit Jefferson even though it is very transparent that he does not want to.

3.  Does this quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?

This Quotation does indeed represents a major conflict. Since in the paragraph above Jefferson say's something inappropriate about Vivian that upsets him. It is very clear that his tone changes throughout this quote.  As his tone shifts from being methodical to a more vexed way of speaking. To where he is had enough of Jefferson and his antics. To the point that it took all that he could to not strike Jefferson at that very moment.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chapter 14 quote

" Sunday is the saddest day of the week".

 This quote does indicate a conflict. This would be because Grant does not like Sunday because he does not believe in god. In which Sunday reminds him of it because everyone goes to church. That in which just reminds him of the subject. This quotation also characterizes Grant as an atheist in a since. Not because he does not believe in god, rather because he says he does not really believe in it. That would be why he thinks Sunday is the saddest day.